Sometimes you don't know what is right for your child. You do your best, and hope that it was the right decision.
Norah has been having 'issues' with her eating. Allergies towards milk and soy products. Breast feeding became quite the chore, when I had to cut those things from my diet. I lost a significant amount of weight, and Norah was gaining insufficiently. We started having regular two week weigh ins. The doctor, broke the news gently that Norah was in the 'failure to thrive' category.
That is when I made the hard decision to stop trying this breast feeding madness. It wasn't working for her, or me. Don't get me wrong, I am all for it- when it works. When the mother and baby are healthy, and the baby is thriving. I mean it is best for them...right? Yes. But sadly not in this situation.
Norah has been on formula (Alimentum) now for a complete week. We had an appointment this morning at The Children's Hospital. She is doing great! This week she gained 8 ounces as opposed to the prior 1 ounce a week.
She eats, she sleeps, she smiles.
No more thriving in pain.
Looking at her,
I am certain that I made the right decision.
I needed this today, thanks.